
Ongoing projects


  • TEMPOGRAPHS (CNRS-Inria/FAPs 2017-2020) Analysing Big Data with Temporal Graphs and Machine Learning
  • RNAct (ITN 2018-2022) Design of new proteins with RNA recognition motifs for synthetic biology and bio-analytics

National – Regional

  • HLA-3D-Diff: Applying differential geometry to protein shape comparison (LORIA project across Capsid and Pixel teams)
  • ANRIL: modeling the binding of a lncRNA to DNA via proteins or triplexes
  • Orca-3D: Oligo-RNA Combinatorial Assembly for 3D-modeling of RNA-protein complexes
  • CITRAM (LUE+FEDER 2017-2020): Design of inhibitors of the transfer of anti-microbial resistance (virtual screening, protein-DNA docking)
  • FIGHT-HF (RHU – ANR2016-2021): Fight Heart Failure
  • GEENAGE (LUE IMPACT 2016-2020)
  • SMEC (CPER 2015-2020): Plateform for Simulation, Modeling and Knowledge extraction

Recent projects

  • EROS-Dock: Exhaustive ROtational Search in multi-protein docking
  • NAfragDB: contex-dependant databases and libraries of RNA/DNA fragments

Covid projects

  • COVID-19-Sankey : Visualisation of testing results with Sankey diagrams
  • COVID-19-Spike: Searching for inhibitors of virus entry by peptide design and virtual screening
  • COVID-19-Nsp9: Modeling interactions of SARS-Cov2 Nsp9 protein with ssRNA