- Maria Sueli Soares Felipe (UCB, Brasilia): COFECUB project
- Wim Vranken (VUB, Brussel): Sequence-based prediction of proteins physical properties
- Michel Sattler (STB, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Munich): Structural biophysics of RNA-binding proteins
- Martin Zacharias (TUM, Munich): ATTRACT for coarse-grained protein/NA docking
- Sergey Samsonov (Gdansk Univ, Poland): protein-glycans modeling
- Jean-Luc Taupin (Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris): prediction of HLA response to a transplant
IMoPA (CNRS-UL, Nancy)
- Sylvie Fournel-Gigleux, Sandrine Gulberti: drug discovery targeting beta-GalT enzymes
- Sylvain Maenner: Modeling the recognition of DNA loci by a lncRNA
- Xavier Manival: data-driven RNA-protein docking with NMR and cross-link
DynAMic (INRA-UL, Nancy)
- Nathalie Leblond, Nicolas Soler: virtual screening, DNA-protein docking
CIC-P (CHRU Nancy)
- Pr. Patrick Rossignol, Pr. Nicolas Girerd: Biomedical data analysis with data mining and complex network methods
- Yann Guermeur (ABC): machine learning applications to 3D-bioinformatics
- Etienne Corman (PIXEL): Differential geometry applied to protein shape comparison